Crime, Mystery, Detective and Science Fiction Stories

CCC #8: John R. Corrigan

John R. Corrigan


Born and raised in central Maine, I struggled in school and was eventually diagnosed as dyslexic. This probably explains why I became a teacher. I was fortunate to be able to attend Salisbury School during high school. I graduated from SUNY Fredonia, where I took nearly every English class offered, played hockey, served as sports editor of the college paper, and spent evenings stringing for the Dunkirk Observer.

Following a stint as a newspaper reporter in upstate New York, I attended the University of Texas at El Paso MFA program. For the past twenty-ish years, I've lived and worked at boarding schools. Currently, I'm the director of the writing and student publications at Northfield Mount Hermon School, where I live with my wife and three daughters.

I write a regular post for the Type M for Murder blogspot, get up very early most mornings to write, and, a Mainer through and through, try to get to Old Orchard Beach as often as possible.

John R. Corrigan's website

Narrated by Nathan Lowell.

CrimeCityCentral #9 podcast September 3rd 2012 - 35 minutes

Crime and Mystery Stories for download or listen online - free mp3

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