Crime, Mystery, Detective and Science Fiction Stories

CCC #5: Ann Littlewood

Ann Littlewood

"Scales Justice"

When did you become a writer?
I've always written! My early efforts focused on the adventures of a young beaver, with many one page chapters (The Log, The Dam, The Coyote, etc.) Much later, at the age of nine, I moved away from creative non-fiction to novels that featured wild horses escaping bad humans and fierce wildfires.

What were your favorite childhood books?
I drew inspiration from Black Beauty, the Black Stallion series, and everything Jim Kjelgaard wrote (Big Red, etc). Another favorite was a tattered book about a man who lived in a tree house with raccoons. Aside from a preference for books with animals, I read everything I encountered--comic books, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Kipling, Steinbeck, Reader's Digest Condensed Books, Erle Stanley Gardner, Nero Wolfe, and on and on.

Ann Littlewood's website

Narrated by Kristi Petersen Schoonover.

CrimeCityCentral #5 podcast August 13th 2012 - 35 minutes

Crime and Mystery Stories for download or listen online - free mp3

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