Crime, Mystery, Detective and Science Fiction Stories

CCC #33: Tony Black

Tony Black

"Last Orders"

Tony Black is Irvine Welsh's favourite British crime writer. He is the author of the Gus Dury series of Edinburgh crime novels, Paying For It, Guttered, Loss, and Long Time Dead. A second series involving detective Rob Brennan include Truth Lies Bleeding and Murder Mile. his most recent novel, The Storm Without, is set in Burns country and was described by Ken Brewan as The Great Scottish novel. Also from Tony Black is the critically acclaimed Blasted Heath eBook RIP Robbie Silva, of which Barry Graham said "RIP Robbie Silva might be the most dead-on accurate description of Edinburgh since Train Spotting." Coming soon from Tony Black in eBook is The Ringer.

Tony Black's website

Narrated by Paul Campbell.

CrimeCityCentral #33 podcast February 25th 2013 - 47 minutes

Crime and Mystery Stories for download or listen online - free mp3

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